& Policies

Parent Information

Starting School Information 2025

(Link to Department for Education website)

Seaford Secondary College

The Memorandum of Understanding with Seaford Secondary College also provides another clear transition point for our students and their families as parents and carers clearly understand that at the end of Year 6 students will move into the Middle Schooling environment at the Secondary College. We have three school values Respect, Responsibility and Success which underpin every aspect of school life. Our school motto is Learning for our futures and this is reflected in our 21st Century approach to teaching and learning

School Policies & Procedures

Behaviour Management

(PDF, 254KB)

Sun Smart Policy

(PDF, 146KB)

Other Services

OSHC Services

A range of options are available to families.

Seaford Early Learning Centre (private childcare centre), is located a short distance from the school and has a pick up and drop off service, they can be contacted on (08) 8386 2007.

Note: Families make their own arrangements for this service.

South Port Kindergarten

South Port Kindergarten provides an active learning environment that engages children in challenging, child initiated experiences.


Link to the preschool website